Got some bastards who were so eager to get up there shout Excuse me!! or Siam!! (get out of the way in hokkien) and I saw this fella push the guy in front of me to the side just to get into the race. End up their timings only 10mins towards 11 ma, thought how good they were. While I was at around 60 to 70 storeys the staff encourage us to go on and me with another guy were encouraging each other to get to the top to get it done with.
The view at the top was superb, I can almost see the whole city and the neighbouring country but was too tired to stay up there too long keke. After the race, me and Chris waited for our certs and we take a few pictures before heading home. Today is Yan's birthday!!! Happy birthday Yan!!!! Going to her place now to celebrate keke

From left: Chris and me
My medal and cert