Saturday, February 28, 2009
B1 Event: Bowling
Sunday, February 22, 2009
TRIBOB Singapore Sprint Series
My No. 636 and my finisher medal
No. 635, Patrick
Certs and medals from past events
From Left: Vertical Marathlon, Std Chart 42km Marathlon and TRIBOB Aquathlon
Short of one, the Adidas Sundown, can't join this year because I'll start my training at SCDF (If I sucessfully join them), nevermind can still join next year.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A day off from work
A day off today, went to visit godmum today since I didn't get to visit her during CNY. Her daughter's little kids were in as well, they are very cute and adorable. Then after that meet up with Loy, Derrick and Mel Mah to settle the class T-shirt at Bras Basah, end up my orignal logo resolution too small and have to redo it.
After our late lunch at MS, I went back with Mel to redo the logo at his house since he got lots of software at his computer and my desktop is down. We started doing it about 5pm and we finally finish the entire tee design, B1 logo got new crown, brighter colours, sharper images, higher resolution and with a new vector look. Me and Mel love the outcome of it. People might think, why go all the trouble to do a class tee, tons of events, videos when we are already graduate from school. 'Some' might even think is meaningless and as if we gonna meet up or keep in contact the next time, well at least we don't, we will try to be friends as long as we can be and to keep in contact. We really treasure this friendship we had, we survive thru hardship and laughter thru these 3 yrs, thro we really don't know what will happen to us in the future but at least we appreciates what we had now unlike 'some' of our classmates who thinks they are super high class, don't attend to any of our events we planned, don't even bother to call us or listen to our calls. Seriously you this small little group who I name 'some' can FUCK OFF!! You know who you are!!
In life we will meet each other a lot of times and if one day you needed help don't come crying for help because you don't deserve it and you don't even deserve to wear our T-shirt and do MARK my words, YOU can be and will be someone whom we never will remember...
Well is not just work and no play, me and Mel played SF and Fifa 09 after redoing the design, caught one of the Fifa match we played and I think is very funny, well as least for us hahahaha...
Thursday, February 19, 2009
B1 Reunion Dinner

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
SCDF RJP and back to work
This morning go back to school for my presentation of my 6mths IAP, had a little chat with Mr Tay Hock Leong after the presentation, he told me his son is in the SCDF now having his training
for about a month le. Then after I go back to work, once I reach office, my boss told me there's a pizza buffet for lunch today, wahahaha.. I ate quite a lot, so damn full until I need to take a nap at the lounge keke about 2plus then I start doing my 'work' and emailing Loy, Derrick and Ju all along keke... I'm back to playing MH2G in my psp again, addicited...