Just as we were walking to class, we bump into CP, she took a cab to school cause she say she woke up late, then as we enter the lift I bump into Aloy, Julius, Grace and Dong Ping. So strange I keep bumping into people today, lol... think too much le... First programming lesson then maths, we had quiz today. I think most of us dunno how to do cause we basically copy from one another, even the lecturer knows that we are copying but I think she close two eyes ba. After school, my friend put me aeroplane and I was free the entire afternoon so I join Aloy & gang to the Auto show at Expo, entrance fees cost $10 and we snap some photos but is with Aloy, so I can't post them here tonight but I did snap some with my hp.
During the train ride, I stand all the way from Expo to Amk and I sleep while standing haha, Derrick too. keke Reach home and I saw a rainbow at the corridor so I snap it.
Went for soccer at St. Wilfred with Melvin and co. I think I have to go train up le, too long never exercise, run for a while tired liao, keke. Then came home not long went out for dinner with my ex-ITE friends: Derrick, Wendy and Jian Ming, so full after eating and we chat till 12plus and we call it a day, thou still don't wish to go back but bo bian I think they all tired liao and of cause the driver (Derrick) have to wake up early tomorrow so have to catch his ride back. lol
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