Went over to AMK central with Danny and Kang Hui for then go shop at sportslink. Was looking for a pair of running shoes as my other pair was facing a sole less problem (Melvin should know why hahaha), wah was a bit too ex to get a good pair now, that si Danny keep showing me the high end ones thou is very good but too ex le. I end up buying a middle end pair, brand was Anta, quite comfy and I bring it for a test run just now. Result of the shoe: not bad, wasn't that heavy too. Went over to pasar malam with JJ just now nearby our house, unfortunately not all stores are open yet, had my eye on a "fan ban" Adidas small sling bag, wasn't ex keke see how first ba hahaha...

Result of run today was quite constant

7.4km to go for the new goal to hit

My New Gear
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