Wednesday, September 03, 2008

3rd day at work today, my supervisor gave me a manual of SPC to read and she's going to give me a project to do for my IAP which will required me to make a program using Excel. Oh my, I sucks at programming, looks like I need to go library and bookstores to look up information on programming with Excel. Whole day just keep reading the manual, read it a couple of times, then I also fell asleep a few times lol...

Wah lau eh, rain again, 2 days in a roll. Head straight down to watch Yan's game, sat with her friend, Johnathon and he left at about the ending of 3rd quarter so I just saw alone. After that I head home and is still raining, so sickening!!!

Tomorrow still have meeting in the morning, gotta sleep early today liao but that is before I saw the movie, Constantine shown on channel 5 lol. I'm so going to watch it first before I sleep hahaha...

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